Monday, 28 March 2011

Holidays already?

The Easter Holiday Season is upon us, my daughter's school finished on Friday. My son stops next Thursday, my daughter will go back to school for 3 days just before Easter, my son will have one day of school before the Royal Wedding, we all have Monday the 2nd of May off ...... and I for one am not blaming the church!
School term dates change from year to year and differ from school to school. There are also major differences between local authority-run schools and independent schools. And, don't forget, many local authorities are now adopting a standard school year, made up of six terms, each a similar length. Confused?

I would of course not be happy if I had to join the traffic on the Autoroute du Soleil each summer in France when the whole of at least the northern part decamps to the South at the same time, but imagine being unlucky enough to have three children in three different schools with three different holiday itineries in the same city? I think we need to work on that!

But let's look at the bright side. I will post the odd suggestion about how to enjoy the first days of spring with the family here in London over the next few weeks of the holidays. Just trying to list as many parks and gardens and other green spaces as we can remember is already very enjoyable - think of all the possibilities. And a sometimes very grey city seems so much greener!

There is Kew Gardens with its Tree Walk and Richmond Park, where you can hire bikes and visit Isabella Plantation, the London Wetland Centre with ducklings and cygnets, Hyde Park and Hampstead Heath (for an early swim?), Syon House and Park or Battersea Park with its little Zoo, Bishops Park with its Palace, Kensington Gardens, Holland Park or Greenwich Park way on the other side of town, Regent Park, St James Park and Green Park very much in the centre.
What about the amazing Kensington Roof Gardens, Chelsea Physics Garden, or the oldes public park in London, Finsbury Circus Garden. Then there is Cleary Garden and the Gardens of Lambeth Palace, Victoria Park in East London, Alexandra Park, Finsbury Park, Waterlow Park, Highgate Wood and Lee Valley Park. For these and more check here or go and pack a picknick basket.

Bushy Park
found here 

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